Topics In Mathematical Modeling Tung Pdf

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Topics In Mathematical Modeling Kk Tung Pdf

Modeling Change One Step at a Time was published in Topics in Mathematical Modeling on page 54.

Topics In Mathematical Modeling Tung PdfTung

Discrete Time Logistic Map, Periodic and Chaotic Solutions was published in Topics in Mathematical Modeling on page 113. The next unit is on basic models for calculating interest taken from K.K. Tung's book Topics in Mathematical Modeling. Here is the pdf: Interest chapter 3. Here is a chapter on Markov Chains. The first 15 pages or so cover material and examples that we did in class.

Topics In Mathematical Modeling Tung Pdf


The documents contained in these directories are included by the contributingauthors as a means to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical workon a noncommercial basis. Copyright and all rights therein are maintained by theauthors or by other copyright holders, notwithstanding that they have offeredtheir works here electronically. It is understood that all persons copying thisinformation will adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author'scopyright. These works may not be reposted without explicit permission of thecopyright holder.

  • Book: Topics in Mathematical Modeling
  • X. Chen and K. K. Tung, 2018. 'Global surface warming enhanced by weak Atlantic overturning circulation,' Nature, 559, 387-391.
  • K. K. Tung and X. Chen. 'Understanding the recent global surface warming slowdown: a review,' Climate, 6, 82-100.
  • Chen, X. and K. K. Tung (2017). Global-mean surface temperature variability: Space-time perspective from rotated EOF. Climate Dynamics. doi: 10.1007/s00382-017-3979-0.
  • Chen, X., J. M. Wallace and K.K. Tung (2017). Pair-wise rotated EOF of global SST anomaly. Journal of Climate. 30 5473.
  • Tung, K. K., X. Chen, K.F. Li, J. Zhou (2017). Interdecadal variability in pan-Pacific and global SST, revisited. Climate Dynamics. Under review.
  • Feng Y., X. Chen, K.K. Tung (2017). Four Fundamental Modes of pan-Pacific SST variability and their roles in ENSO Diversity. Science Advances. Under review.
  • X. Chen and K. K. Tung, 2016: 'Variations in ocean heat uptake during surface warming hiatus', Nature Communications, 7, doi:10.1038/ncomms12541.
  • K.-F. Li, Q. Zhang, K. K. Tung and Y.L. Yung, 2016: 'Resolving a long-standing model-observation discrepancy on ozone solar cycle response', Earth and Space Physics, 3, 431-440
  • S. A. Sejas, Ming Cai, G. Liu, P. C. Taylor, and K. K. Tung, 2016: 'A Lagrangian View of Longwave Radiative Fluxes for Understanding the Direct Heating Response to a CO2 Increase', J. Geophys. Research, 121, doi: 10.1002/2015JD024738.
  • J. Zhou, K. K. Tung and K.F. Li, 2016: 'Multidecadal variability in the Greenland ice-core records obtained using Intrinsic timescale Decomposition'. Climate Dynamics, 47, 739-752.
  • X.-H. Yan, Boyer, T., Trenberth, K. E., Karl, T., Xie, S.-P.,Nievas, V., Tung, K. K., Roemmich, D., 2016: 'The global warming hiatus: Slowdown or redistribution?' Review. Earth's Future, 4, doi: 10.1002/2016EF000417.
  • K.K. Tung and X. Chen, 2015: 'Global-warming slowdown---an energy perspective', Variations, 13, No. 3, 20-25.
  • X. Chen and K.K. Tung, 2014: 'Varying planetary heat sink led to global-warming slowdown and acceleration', Science, 345, 897-903.
  • Li, K.-F., and K.K. Tung, 2014: 'Quasi-Biennial Oscillation and solar cycle influences on winter Arctic total ozone', J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 119, 5823-5835.
  • K. K. Tung and J. Zhou, 2013: 'Using Data to Attribute Episodes of Warming and Cooling in Instrumental Records', Proc. of National Academy of Sciences, 110.
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  • J. Zhou and K. K. Tung, 2013: 'Observed Tropospheric Temperature Response to 11-year Solar Cycle and What It Reveals About Mechanisms', J. Atmospheric Sciences, 70, 9-14.
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  • J. Zhou and K. K. Tung, 2013: 'Deducing Multidecadal Anthropogenic Global Warming Trends Using Multiple Regression Analysis', J. Atmospheric Sciences, 70, 3-8.
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  • E. Haam and K. K. Tung, 2012: 'Statistics of Solar Cycle-La Nina Connection: Correlation of Two Autocorrelated Time Series', J. Atmospheric Sciences, 69, 2934-2939.
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  • M. Cai and K. K. Tung, 2012: 'Robustness of Dynamical Feedbacks from Radiative Forcing: 2% Solar vs 2 x CO2 Experiments in Idealized GCM', J. Atmospheric Sciences, 69, 2256-2271.
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  • J. Zhou and K. K. Tung; 2010: 'Solar cycle in 150 years of global sea-surface temperature' J. Climate, 23, 3234-3248.
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  • K. K. Tung and J. Zhou; 2010: 'Pacific's Response to Surface Heating in 130 Years of SST: El Ninolike or La Nina like?' J. Atmospheric Sciences, 67, 2649-2657.
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  • E. Lindborg, K. K. Tung, G. D. Nastrom, J. Y. N. Cho and K. S. Gage; 2010: 'Comments on 'Reinterpreting Aircraft Measurement in Anisotropic Scaling Turbulence' by Lovejoy et al, (2009)' Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 10, 1401-1402.
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  • L. Kuai, R.-L. Shia, X. Jiang, K. K. Tung, Y. L. Yung; 2009: 'Modulation of the Period of the Quasi-Biennial Oscillation by the Solar Cycle' Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences,66, 2418-2428.
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  • L. Kuai, R.-L. Shia, X. Jiang, K. K. Tung, Y. L. Yung; 2009 'Nonstationary Synchronization of Equatorial QBO with SAO in Observations and a Model'Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 66, 1654-1664.
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  • K.K. Tung, J. Zhou and C.D.Camp; 2008: 'Constraining Model Transient Climate Response using Independent Observations of Solar-Cycle Forcing and Response' Geophys. Research Lett., 35, L17707,doi:10.1029/2008GL034240.
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  • K.K. Tung and C.D. Camp; 2008: 'Solar Cycle Warming at the Earth's Surface in NCEP and ERA-40 data: A linear Discriminant Analysis' Journal ofGeophysical Research, 113, D05114, doi:10.1029/2007JD009164.
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  • P. Fischer and K.K. Tung; 2008: 'A Reexamination of the QBO-Period Modulationby the Solar Cycle' J. GeophysicalResearch, 113, D07114, doi:10.1029/2007JD008983.
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  • P. Fischer and K.K. Tung; 2008: 'Wavelets, a Numerical Tool for Multiscale Phenomena: From Two-dimensional Turbulence to Atmsopheric Data Analysis' J. Num. Anal. and Mod., accepted.
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  • E. Gkioulekas and K.K. Tung; 2007: 'A New Proof on Net Upscale Energy Cascade in 2D and QG Turbulence', J. Fluid Mech., 576, pp. 173-189, doi:10.1017/S0022112006003934.
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  • C.D. Camp and K.K. Tung; 2007: 'Surface Warming by the Solar Cycle asRevealed the Composite Mean Difference Projection' Geophysical ResearchLetters, 34, L14703, doi:10.1029/2007GL030207.
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  • K.K. Tung; 2007: 'Simple Climate Model' Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems B., 7, 651-660.
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  • C.D. Camp, and K.K. Tung; 2007: 'Stratospheric polar warming by ENSO inwinter: A statistical study' Geophysical Research Letters, 34,L04809, doi:10.1029/2006GL028521, 2007.
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  • K.K. Tung and E. Gkioulekas; 2007: 'Is the subdominant part of the energyspectrum due to downscale energycascade hidden in quasi-geostrophic turbulence? ' DCDS B.,7, 293-314.
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  • C.D. Camp and K.K. Tung; 2007: 'The influence of the solar cycle and QBO on thelate winter stratospheric polar vortex', J. Atmos. Sci., 64,1267-1283, DOI:10.1175/JAS3883.1.
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  • K.T. Coughlin and K.K. Tung; 2006: 'Misleading Patterns in CorrelationMaps' J. Geophys. Res., 111, D24102, doi:10.1029/2006JD007452.
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  • E. Gkioulekas and K.K. Tung; 2006: 'Recent developments in understandingtwo-dimensional turbulence and the Nastrom-Gage spectrum', J. Low Temp.Phys., 145, 25-57, DOI:10.1007/s10909-006-9239z.
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  • K.T. Coughlin and K.K. Tung; 2005: 'Reply to Comments by Gleisner, Thejll and Christiansen', J. Geophys. Res., withdrawn.
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  • Y. Hu, K.K. Tung, and J. Liu; 2005: 'A closer comparison of early and late winteratmospheric trends in the Northern-Hemisphere' Journal of Climate, 18, 3204-3216.
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  • K. Coughlin and K.K. Tung; 2005: 'Empirical Mode Decomposition ofClimate Variability in the Atmospheric' paper in Hilbert-HuangTransform: Introduction and Applications; edited by N. Huang and S. Shen;World Scientific Publishing.
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  • K. Coughlin and K.K. Tung; 2004: 'Eleven-Year Solar Cycle Signals throughout the LowerAtmosphere' J. Geophys. Res., 109, d21105, doi:10.1029/2004JD004873.
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  • K. Coughlin and K.K. Tung; 2004: 'Tropospheric Wave Response to DescendingDecelerations in the Stratosphere' J. Geophys. Res., 110, D01103.
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  • E. Gkioulekas and K.K. Tung; 2005: 'On the Double Cascades of Energy and Enstrophy in TwoDimensional Turbulence. Part 1. Theoretical Formulation' Discrete and Continuous Dynamical SystemsB, 5, 79-102.
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  • E. Gkioulekas and K.K. Tung; 2005: 'On the Double Cascades of Energy and Enstrophy in TwoDimensional Turbulence. Part 2. Approach to the KLB Limit andInterpretation of Experimental Evidence' Discrete and ContinousDynamical Systems B, 5, 103-124.
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  • K.K. Tung; 2004: 'Reply to Comments by K. Shafer Smith'J. Atmospheric Sciences, 61, 943-948.
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    [Note typo: Second paragraph onpage 943, 15th line, ``energy' should be``enstrophy'.]
  • K. Coughlin and K.K. Tung; 2004: 'The 11-Year Solar Cycle in the Lower Stratosphere Extracted by theEmpirical Model Decomposition Method' Space Research, 34, 323-329.
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  • K.K. Tung and W.W. Orlando; 2003: 'On the Differences between 2D and QG Turbulence'Discrete and ContinousDynamical Systems B, 3, 145-162pp.
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  • K.K. Tung and W.W. Orlando; 2003: 'The k-3 andk-5/3 Energy Spectrum of Atmospheric Turbulence, Quasi-Geostrophic Two-level Model Simulation' J. Atmos. Sci., 60, 824-835pp.
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  • Y. Hu and K.K. Tung; 2003: 'Possible Ozone Induced Long-Time Change in PlanetaryWave Activity in Late Winter' J.Climate, 16, 3027-3038pp., 2003.
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  • Y. Hu and K.K. Tung; 2002: 'Interannual andDecadal Variations of Planetary - Wave Activity, StratosphericCooling, and Northern-Hemisphere Annular Mode' J. Climate, 15, 1659-1673.
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  • Y. Hu and K.K. Tung; 2002: 'Tropospheric andEquatorial Influences on Planetary-Wave Amplitude in theStratosphere' Geophys. ResearchLetts., 29.
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  • K. Coughlin and K.K. Tung; 2001: 'QBO Signal found atthe Extratropical Surface through Northern Annular Modes'Geophys. Research Letts., 28, 4563-4566.
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  • K.K. Tung and W.T. Welch; 2001: 'Remarks on Charney'sNote on Geostrophic Turbulence' J.Atmos. Sci., 58, 2009-2012.
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  • J.S. Kinnersley and K.K. Tung; 2001: 'Mechanisms by WhichExtra-tropical Wave Forcing in the Winter Stratosphere InducesUpwelling in the Summer Hemisphere' J. Geophys. Res., 106, 22781- .
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  • M. Fang and K.K. Tung; 1999: 'Time-Dependent Nonlinear Hadley Circulation,' J. AtmosphericSci., 56, 1797-1807.
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  • J.S. Kinnersley and K.K. Tung; 1999: 'Mechanisms for the extra-tropicalQBO in circulation and ozone column,' J.Atmospheric Sci., 56, 1942-1962.
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  • W.T. Welch and K.K. Tung; 1998: 'On the equilibrium spectrum of transient waves in theatmosphere' J. Atmospheric Sci., 55, 2833-2851.
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  • J.S. Kinnersley and K.K. Tung; 1998: 'Modeling the global inter-annual variability of the ozone column due to the equatorial quasi-biennial oscillation andextra-tropical planetary wave variability' J. Atmospheric Sci., 55, 1417-1428.
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  • H. Yang and K.K. Tung; 1998: 'On water vapor, surface temperature and the Green house effect -- a statistical analysis of tropical-mean data' J. Climate, 11, 2686-2697.
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  • W.T. Welch and K.K. Tung; 1998: 'Nonlinear baroclinic adjustment and wavenumber selection in a simple case' J. Atmospheric Sci., 55, 1205-1302.
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  • Y. Jiang, Y.L. Yung, A.R. Douglass, and K.K. Tung; 1998: 'The standard deviation of column ozone from the zonalmean,' Geophys. Research. Lett.25, 911-914.
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  • M. Fang and K.K. Tung; 1997:'The dependence of the Hadley circulation on the thermalrelaxation time,' J. Atmospheric Sci., 54, 1379-1384.
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  • H. Yang and K.K. Tung; 1996: 'Cross-isentropic stratosphere-troposphere exchange ofmass and water vapor,' J. Geophys. Research, 101, 9413-9423.
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  • M. Fang and K.K. Tung; 1996: 'A simple model of nonlinear Hadley circulation with an ITCZ: analytic and numerical solutions', J. Atmospheric Sciences, 53, 1241-1261.
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    [Note: Typo in Eqs. (3) and (12).First term should be multiplied by 1/cos j. Correct equationused in calculation. Eq. (8) reverse TE and T.]
  • H. Yang and K.K. Tung; 1995: 'On the phase propagation of extra-tropicalquasi-biennial oscillation in observational data,' J. Geophys. Research, 100, 9091-9100.
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  • M.P. Baldwin and K.K. Tung; 1994: 'Extratropical QBO signals in Angular Momentum and WaveForcing,' Geophys. ResearchLett., 21, 2717-2720.
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  • H. Yang and K.K. Tung; 1994: 'Statistical significance and pattern of extratropicalQBO in column ozone,' Geophys. ResearchLett, 21, 2236-2238.
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  • K.K. Tung and H. Yang; 1994: 'Global QBO in Circulation and Ozone. Part II:A Simple Mechanistic Model,' J. Atmos. Science, 51, 2708-2721.
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    [Note: Top 4 panels of Figure 8 in Part IIwere incorrectly switched with the top 4 panels of Figure 3 inPart I.]
  • K.K. Tung and H. Yang; 1994: 'Global QBO in Circulation and Ozone. Part I:Reexamination of Observational Evidence,' J. Atmos. Science, 51, 2699-2707.
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  • M. Fang and K.K. Tung; 1994: 'Solution to the Charney problem of viscous symmetriccirculation,' J. Atmos. Sciences,51, 1261-1272.
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  • H. Yang and K.K. Tung; 1993: 'On Global Quasi-Biennial Oscillation in Column Ozone',in Coupling Processes in Middle and LowerAtmospheres, E.V. Thrane, T.A. Blix and D.C. Fritts, editors,1-24, Kluwer Academic Publishers.
  • E.P. Olaguer, H. Yang, and K.K. Tung; 1992: 'A reexamination of the radiative balance of thestratosphere', J. Atmos. Science, 49, 1242-1263.
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  • H. Yang, E.P. Olaguer, and K.K. Tung; 1991: 'Simulation of the present-day ozone, odd nitrogen,chlorine and other species using acoupled 2-D model in isentopic coordinates&uot;, J. Atmospheric Science, 48, 442-471.
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  • P. Cehelsky and K.K. Tung; 1991: 'Nonlinear baroclinic adjustment', J. Atmospheric Sciences, 48, 1930-1947.
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  • H. Yang, K.K. Tung, and E.P. Olaguer; 1990: 'Nongeostrophic theory of zonally averaged circulation.Part II: E-P flux divergences andisentropic mixing coefficients', J. Atmospheric Sciences, 47, 215-241.
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  • P. Cehelsky and K.K. Tung; 1989: 'Reply to comments by Reinhold', Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 46, 1865-1866.
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  • R.S. Lindzen and K.K. Tung; 1988: 'Comments on Shear Instability without Over-Reflection',Journal of Meteorological Society of Japan,66, 179-184.
  • K.K. Tung and H. Yang; 1988: 'Dynamical component of seasonal and year-to-yearchanges in Antarctic and global ozone', Journal of Geophysical Research, 93, 12537-12559.
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  • K.K. Tung and H. Yang; 1988: 'Dynamic variability of column ozone', Journal of Geophysical Research, 93, 11123-11128.
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  • K.K. Tung and A.J. Rosenthal; 1987: 'Low-frequency nonlinear dynamics of quasi-geostrophicwaves in a midlatitude channel and theeffects of tropical influence', Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 44, 3821-3826.
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  • K.K. Tung; 1987: 'A coupled model of zonally averaged dynamics, radiationand chemistry', in Transport Processes in the middleAtmosphere, G. Visconti and R. Garcia, editors. 183-198,Reidel Publishing Company.
  • P. Cehelsky and K.K. Tung; 1987: 'Theories of multiple equilibria and weather regimes, a critical re-examination. Part II: Baroclinic, Two-layerModels', Journal of Atmospheric Sciences,44, 3282-3303.
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  • M. Fantini and K.K. Tung; 1987: 'On radiating waves generated from barotropic shearinstability of a western boundary current', Journal of Physical Oceanography, 17, 1304-1308.
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  • K.K. Tung; 1986: 'Nongeostrophic theory of zonally averaged circulation,Part I: Formulation', Journal of Atmospheric Science,43, 2600-2618.
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  • K.K. Tung; 1986: 'On the relationship between the thermal structure ofthe stratosphere and the seasonal distribution of ozone',Geophysical Research Letters,13, 1308-1311,Special Issue of Antarctic Ozone.
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  • K.K. Tung, M.K.W. Ko, and J.M. Rodriguez; 1986: 'Are Antarctic ozone variations a manifestation ofdynamics or chemistry?' Nature, Vol. 322, No. 6082, pp. 811-814.
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  • K.K. Tung and A.J. Rosenthal; 1986: 'On the extended-range predictability of large-scalequasi-stationary patterns in the atmosphere', Tellus, 38A, 333-365.
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  • K.K. Tung and A.J. Rosenthal; 1985: 'Theories of multiple equilibria, a critical re-examination,Part I: Barotropic models.', Journal ofAtmospheric Sciences,42, 2804-2819.
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  • M.K.W. Ko, K.K. Tung, D.K. Weisenstein, and N.D. Sze; 1985: 'Simulation of 03 distributionusing a two-dimensional zonal-mean model in isentropiccoordinates', in Atmospheric Ozone, edited by C.S. Zerefos and A. Ghazi,Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht, Holland, 19-23.
  • M.K.W. Ko, K.K. Tung, D.K. Weisenstein, and N.D. Sze; 1985: 'A zonal-mean model of stratospheric tracer transport inisentropic coordinates: Numerical simulations for nitrous oxideand nitric acid', Journal of Geophysical Research, 90, D1, 2313-2329.
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  • K.K. Tung; 1984: 'Modeling of tracer transport in the middle atmosphere',in Dynamics of the Middle Atmosphere, edited by J.R. Holtonand T. Matsuno, Terra Scientific Publishing Company, Tokyo,Japan, 417-444.
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  • K.K. Tung; 1983: 'Initial value problems for Rossby waves in a shearedflow with critical level', Journal of Fluid Mechanics,133, 443-469.
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  • K.K. Tung; 1983: 'On the nonlinear vs. linearized lower boundary conditionsfor topographically forced stationary long waves',Monthly Weather Review, 111, 60-66.
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  • K.K. Tung; 1982: 'On the two-dimensional transport of stratospherictrace gases in isentropic coordinates', Journal of AtmosphericSciences, 39, 2230-2355.
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  • K.K. Tung, T.F. Chang, and T. Kubota; 1982: 'Large amplitude internal waves of permanent form', Studies of Applied Mathematics,66, 1-44.
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  • K.K. Tung, J. Chang, D.R.S. Ko, and J. Chang; 1982: 'Weakly nonlinear internal waves in shear', Studies of Applied Mathematics,65, 189-221.
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  • K.K. Tung; 1981: 'Barotropic instability of zonal flows',Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 38, 308-321.
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  • B. Farrell, R.S. Lindzen, and K.K. Tung; 1980: 'The concept of wave over-reflection and its applicationto baroclinic instability', Journal of Atmospheric Sciences,37, 44-63.
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  • K.K. Tung; 1979: 'A theory of stationary long waves, Part III: Quasi-normalmodes in singular wave-guide', Monthly Weather Review,107, 751-774.
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  • K.K. Tung; 1979: 'A theory of stationary long waves, Part II: ResonantRossby waves in the presence of realistic verticalshears', (with R.S. Lindzen), Monthly Weather Review,107, 735-750.
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  • K.K. Tung and R.S. Lindzen; 1979: 'A theory of stationary long waves, Part I: A simple theoryof blocking', Monthly Weather Review,107, 714-774.
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  • R.S. Lindzen and K.K. Tung; 1978: 'Wave over-reflection and shear instability', Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 35,1626-1632.
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  • R.S. Lindzen and K.K. Tung; 1976: 'Banded convective activity and ducted gravity waves', Monthly Weather Review, 104,1602-1617.
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  • K.K. Tung; 1976: 'On the convergence of spectral series-A re-examinationof the theory of Wave propagations in distorted background flows',Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 33, 1816-1820.
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Topics In Mathematical Modeling K. K. Tung Pdf

Other Publications

Topics In Mathematical Modeling Kk Tung Pdf

  • K.K. Tung; 1977: 'Stationary atmospheric long waves and the phenomena ofblocking and sudden warming', Ph.D. Thesis, Harvard University,Cambridge, MA.
  • K.K. Tung; 1978: 'Rossby wave critical layers, absorbing or reflecting?'in Proceedings of the (Twelfth) Stanstead Seminar,Publication in Meteorology No. 121, McGill University, 56-64.
  • K.K. Tung; 1978: 'A theory of stationary long wave, in The GeneralCirculation: Theory, Modeling and Observations, NCAR, Boulder, CO,98-115.
  • K.K. Tung and A.J. Rosenthal; 1984: 'On the initiation and persistence of blocking',in Proceedings of the (Fifteenth)Stanstead Seminar, McGill University Publication in MeteorologyNo. 128, 114-119.
  • K.K. Tung; 1988: 'On multiple equilibria, multiple weather regimes, andlow-frequency variability', in Dynamics of Low-FrequencyVariability in the Atmosphere, NCAR, Boulder, CO.
  • K.K. Tung; 1988: 'Irreversible Phenomena and Dynamical Systems Analysis inGeosciences', Book Review, Bulletin of the AmericanMeteorological Society, 69, 196-197.
  • K.K. Tung, H. Yang and E.P. Olaguer; 1988: 'Two-D model simulation of ozone climatology andyear-to-year variations', in Proc. of Quadrennial Ozone Symposium.
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  • C.R. Mechoso and K.K. Tung; 1989: 'On the Antarctic ozone hole phenomenon',in Invited Papers, Proceedings of ThirdInternational Congress of Meteorology, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • K.K. Tung; 1990:'Ozone Transport in the Southern Hemisphere',in Dynamics, Transport and Photochemistry in the Middle Atmosphere of the Southern Hemisphere, A. O'Neill ed., 213-215, Kluwer Academic Publishers.
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  • K.K. Tung, 2014: 'Where has global warming gone?' Project Syndicate.
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