Looking into a post-baccalaureate program to boost your chances for getting into medical school?
If you're premed and you have a low GPA then post-baccalaureate programs may be your backdoor to medical school.
There are two camps of students:
Pre-Medical and General Science Studies. Our rigorous post-baccalaureate certificate program for pre-health students is approved for Federal Financial Aid and provides a structured academic preparation for those planning to apply to health professional programs including medical, dental, veterinary, nursing, pharmacy, physician assistant, and physical therapy, among others. Post-Baccalaureate Programs, or Post-Bac Programs, provide an alternate entry into postgraduate programs for students who have already obtained an undergraduate degree. You may consider an additional step between St. Mary’s and medical/professional school if you were not accepted the first time around, or if your GPA and/or MCAT scores are too low for you to Find out more ». Pre-medical low gpa post bacc. Asked 3 years ago by Guest (140 points) im a junior with a very low gpa. Most probably would go for a post bacc or smp after bachelors. I was researching on post bac/smp programs that has linkage with med school. What i was able to see was that most post bacs require you to be a career changer(no or few science courses completed). If you have completed all. . Drexel’s Interdisciplinary Health Sciences Program (IHS): Drexel offers a variety of pre-med programs, but the 2-year IHS program is designed to help boost the academic qualifications for medical school. A 2.5 GPA and greater than 20th percentile on the MCAT or 50th percentile on the GRE is required for entry to the program.
- Premed
- Career-Changer
I will focus most of my time on the premed students. Career-changers go here.
Two Types of Premed Students Choosing Post-Bacs
There really are two types of premed students who arechoosing post-bac programs.
You completed most or all of your requirements for medical school but have a low GPA.
This is you when your grade point average is below 3.3.
The other type of premed student has an extremely low GPAbelow 2.9 and still wants to go to medical school.
At any rate you both have a problem.
You're not competitive to get into medical school right now.Luckily this is not a permanent problem.
You can take steps to fix your GPA and become a moreattractive applicant for AdComs.
I will touch on that a bit later but for right now let'sdiscuss your options.
Semi-Decent GPA aka above 3.0
If you're premed and you have a GPA above 3.0 then you have a fighting chance of getting into a post-baccalaureate program and certainly medical school afterward.
Your GPA tells me you can do the work but may have experienced some setbacks in undergrad that prevented you from doing well.
Usually, setbacks include:
- adjusting to college
- death/illness
- lack of motivation
What I can tell you is a lack of motivation is a red flag for any admissions committee member.
But if you struggled during your freshman year of college those things can be explained and spun in a more positive light. What AdComs will want to see is an upward trend in your grades.
You want your most recent grades to be higher than those of past semesters. AdComs can work with you then.
Otherwise, if your grades decline as your progress in your undergraduate schooling that's a big no-no. You're expected by this point to have an understanding of college and to have developed good study habits so you can perform well academically.
Life happens, even while in college.
If you lost a close relative the grieving process can certainly take its toll where you're unable to focus on everything including school.
When this happens you may see a huge dip in your grades for a semester or two. You can easily explain this to AdComs that you were dealing with XYZ issue and it negatively affected your grades.
The Caveat.
Your grades have to come back to where they originally were.
You are given a grace of one or two semesters and anything beyond this just means you're a student who is not meeting the academic standards to be competitive for getting into medical school.
There's a specific type of post-baccalaureate program I want you to apply for if you have above a 3.0 GPA and have taken all or most of your premed classes.
You need to enroll in a Special Masters Program (SMP).
I will come back to this topic shortly but first I want to address those with very low GPAs.
Very Low GPA and Post-Baccalaureate Options
If you have a GPA below 3.0 and you want to get into a post-bac program there are going to be lots of hurdles for you to overcome.
For starters, your GPA in itself is a problem for many post-baccalaureate programs. When you look into programs you are considering you're going to get a harsh dose of reality.
The post-bac websites will tell you they do NOT accept applications from students who are below 3.0.
The reason being you're too big of an academic risk even for them.
Now you're really in a huge hole.
The options are not looking good for getting into medical school either.
Here's why.
At some point along the way you should have realized my GPA is in the toilet and it's sinking like the Titanic. Once you come to this realization you need to stop taking your science courses and figure out what is going wrong.
I'm sharing this advice not to bash you but for your peers who may find themselves in a similar predicament and currently searching for advice.
You take the time out to determine what's working and what's not working. If you don't then you are practically shunned from any program.
The big issue is that fixing a bad GPA is nearly impossible.
How to Fix Your GPA for Post-Bac Programs
Unfortunately, your GPA is the hardest portion of your medical school application to fix. It's practically set in stone especially after you've taken lots of science courses.
What you need to do is evaluate your options.
For starters, I would recommend using a GPA calculator to get an idea of how many credits with what types of grades you would need to get for there to be any meaningful boost in your GPA.
If you 'run the numbers' and your GPA is not budging you're up a creek without a paddle and not much that can be done.
On the other hand, you may see if you can get a couple of additional courses in the sciences and you see a movement in your grade point average this is very good.
You have one single goal right now.
That's to improve your GPA to as close as 3.0 as you can get it so you can at least apply to post-bac programs.
Even if you aren't at 3.0 here's what I advise you do.
You need to get on the telephone contact the post-baccalaureate programs you're interested in and ask:
'I see on your website it says you need a 3.0 GPA or better to apply is this a hard cutoff or is there wiggle room?'
They will either tell you it's a hard cutoff or they take a holistic approach to applicants or some variation of all of this.
This means for all the programs with a hard cutoff don't even waste your time or money applying.
When there's a hard cutoff at a post-baccalaureate program here's the unspoken rule, 'You need a minimum of 3.0 to apply but those who we accept are well above the minimum requirement.'
Sounds harsh.
As medical school admissions become more and more competitive it just means these 'feeder programs' as you can picture your post-bac to be will become difficult to secure a spot in as well.
All is not lost if you have very low GPA and applying to post-bacs.
If you saw with additional coursework you can improve your GPA then get to work on taking more science courses.
One great option would be to take biochemistry if you have not done so already. Many medical schools are starting to require this course so if you can get it on our transcript now all the better for you.
Here's your Hail Mary approach for becoming a doctor even with a GPA that's very low.
You should consider applying to Osteopathic Medical Schools.
Not because the requirements for medical school will be easier when you pursue the D.O. route rather in how your grades are calculated.
Virtually all of the osteopathic medical schools actually use grade forgiveness.
Meaning if you have to repeat Organic Chemistry they will replace your original grade with the most recent grade you received in Organic Chemistry and overlook the original one.
This one avenue to pursue if you're dead set on becoming a doctor and the numbers just don't look good for you.
Best Post Bac Pre Med Programs
I won't say much about this but the MCAT is the great equalizer.
Having a very strong MCAT score can make up for lackluster GPAs but only to a certain extent.
I say this because the MCAT is weighed the heaviest on your medical school application. The caveat being the MCAT is a test of your basic science knowledge so if you weren't able to show it in the classroom it is going to be much harder to show it on a standardized test like the MCAT where the stakes are much higher.
My advice to you: don't end up with a low GPA as a premed student. Stop the bleeding before it is too late. I would rather have you take a semester or two away from being premed and return recharged than to force yourself through the curriculum with bad grades.
This is going to hurt but needs to be said.
One of the most common emails I get is from students who have less than 3.0 GPA and want to know what they can do to get into a post-bac program. They will recount a 'sob' story and make the case of how their grades are not a reflection of their capabilities and they just need one chance to show AdComs what they are doing.
AdComs hear the same stories over and over so you're not a special snowflake to us. We would rather see you be proactive about improving your credentials than making excuses.
GPA Above 3.0 Post Bac Options
Congrats if you have a GPA above 3.0 and you want to get into medical school. You have several opportunities available to you.
You may not be competitive for medical school right out the gate but with some improvement in your credentials you're going to get there soon enough.
Here's the first assessment you need to make.
Do you even need a post-baccalaureate program in the first place?
Sometimes the problem is not your grade point average rather something else in your application.
If you have a decent GPA that makes you competitive but your MCAT score is low then for all intents and purposes a post bac is not going to help you.
The weak point in your application is your MCAT and enrolling in more schooling is not going to fix that problem. If this is you then go save yourself thousands of dollars, skip more school and instead buckle down and do well on your MCAT.
When you fix the MCAT you will then be ready to apply to medical school.
What happens if you haven't taken the MCAT and your GPA is less than stellar?
Then I would highly recommend you enroll in a post-baccalaureate program. As you can see the process is very simple. Identify the problem. Fix the problem.
You're not going to enroll in just any post-bac program, though.
I want you to enroll in a Special Masters Program (SMP).
This will accomplish two things:
- New and fresh set of grades
- Show you can handle a medical school curriculum
You want to have new and fresh grades when you apply to a medical school which is an advantage of a post-bac program.
When you apply to medical school there are two separate GPAs that will be on your application. One will be for your undergraduate coursework and the other is your graduate GPA.
With the SMP post-bac, you are killing two birds with one stone.
The SMP will allow you to have an entirely new set of grades on your application completely separate from undergrad. Therefore, you do not have to worry about if I take this course or how many credits do I need to see a jump in my GPA.
As my physician mentor told me when I was headed off to graduate school,
'Protect your GPA at all cost'!
If you're going the post-bac route it means your credentials are not the best and you absolutely cannot have any mistakes the second time around.
Going to grad school and not doing well can sink your chances of ever getting into medical school.
This falls right into the second point of your SMP is to show AdComs you have what it takes to compete in a rigorous program that is comparable to medical school.
The SMP is a great way to give yourself a leg up with the competition because you are taking the same courses as the medical students and graded accordingly. This means you become less of a risk to admissions committees because you've shown to the AdComs you have actually taken medical school courses and have done well in them.
If you do poorly then you are in a lot of trouble. You have shown AdComs you will not do well in medical school. Shutting the door to becoming a doctor.
Types of Post-Baccalaureate Programs You Can Apply To
Post-baccalaureate programs are a great way towards getting intomedical school. You'll be able to:- Improve academic credentials
- Take required pre med courses
- Determine if medical school is for you.
If you are debating on whether a post bac program is the route for you then all of your answers have been answered. I have compiled everything you need to know about choosing a program, each curriculum, whether they have linkage programs with medical schools and the requirements for admission for over 35 programs.
Post-baccalaureate programs serve a number of needsand they can be put into four broad categories:
- Academic Record-Enhancers
- Career-Changers
- Groups Underrepresented in Medicine
- Master Programs
Before getting started you should be aware that many programs willbe classified as Formal/Structured or Informal/Unstructured.This allows you to determine if there is a set curriculum in place anddetermine how long the program lasts. On the other hand, informalpost baccalaureate programs allow you to pick and choose only the classes you need without having to stick to a particular curriculum.
There are pros and cons with each type of environment. With thestructured post baccalaureate you will find a community environmentwhere you take classes with the same set of students, whereasunstructured you will be taking classes with the general studentpopulation.
Pre Medical Programs Post Baccalaureate
Not sure about how to get started? How about my post-bac guidebook where you can learn the ins and outs on choosing a great post-bac program that will open the doors to medical school.
Academic Record Enhancers
This post baccalaureate is for individuals who have completedmost or all of their premedical requirements, but need anotherchance to show they can compete at a level required of medicalstudents.
If you earned a C- in your premed courses, then it is crucial thatyou retake the course in question. Otherwise, do not repeat coursesbecause medical school admissions officers expect you to get an A thesecond time around. Therefore, you want to take upper divisionscience courses at the undergraduate level so they can becalculated into your undergraduate grade point average.
The academic record-enhancer program may be formal or informal, butyou will find a support system in place at most institutions. You willhave access to premed advisors, sometimes a committee letter ofevaluation may be offered, and the post baccalaureate program can assist in themedical school application process.
A lot of programs have affiliations/linkages with medical schools.This is a benefit for you because you are more likely to earn aninvitation to interview at a medical school, but it does not guaranteeadmission, you must still have a stellar GPA and MCAT score.
The goal of any post-baccalaureate program is to excel in your coursework,this is especially true for the academic record-enhancer.
This post-baccalaureate program is for people who have decided to entermedicine after working in another career or who have already graduatedfrom college. You will find career-changers to be highly motivatedbecause they are generally more mature than the average applicant, havemore life experience and are making substantial changes in theirlifestyle to pursue medicine.
Career-changer post-baccalaureate programs are usually very formalbecause you have not completed the four courses needed for medicalschool:
- General Chemistry
- Biology
- Organic Chemistry
- Physics
Since everyone will be taking the same courses at the same time youwill find a genuine post baccalaureate community among the students. The programdirectors are keenly aware of your needs and will set aside time in thecurriculum to prepare for the MCAT, supply letters of recommendationand advise you on the application process.
If you were lucky enough to attend a post-baccalaureate that has alinkage program, you might be able to avoid the 'glide' year (time fromapplying to enrollment) completely.
Groups Underrepresented in Medicine (URM)
This post-baccalaureate is for underrepresentedminorities and is intended to increase diversity in the field ofmedicine. I will be very straight forward and mention that thesepost baccalaureate programs vary from institution to institution.Some post baccs focus on completing the basic sciences, others givegraduate credit, while some are a combination of both and then some.The underrepresented in medicine post-baccalaureate is consistent inhelping minorities get into medical school and this may include:
- improving study skills
- MCAT preparation
- mentoring
- advising on the application process
If you are a racial/ethnic minority, educationally disadvantagedand/or economically disadvantaged then this may be the best way for youto go. These programs are very supportive to your needs by having a lotof counselors on hand, all types of academic resources, and health carevolunteering opportunities.
Unfortunately, it is hard to get accepted into these types ofprograms because more students are applying and the screeningprocess is very thorough. But once you're accepted and if you followthe advice of your mentors while also working hard you may end up in avery prestigious medical school.
Believe me on this, I have friends who completed a URMpost-baccalaureate and then were faced with the problem of choosingwhich Ivy League medical school to attend because of receiving multiplemedical school acceptances.
Master Programs
These programs are for students who:
- have done well in school
- want to take medical school courses or
- improve their chances for admission.
In almost every case, if you do not have a bachelor's degree youcannot apply. Some even state you need to have completed the medicalschool prerequisites.
When you go on to apply to medical school you will be viewedfavorably because of your advanced degree. The only cautionaryadvice is, bad grades can really hurt your chances, so once you'reenrolled you need to perform.
Since many of these programs are one year in length and you will begetting an advanced degree it is possible to apply while you areenrolled and then go directly to medical school at the conclusion ofyour program.
Get Started on a Post-Baccalaureate
If you want to get into medical school there is a post-baccalaureate program for you. The hardest part on your end is to identify which program matches up to your needs and wants and will give you your best chance of admission to medical school.
If you don't know where to begin then you need to get my Post Bac Guidebook Your Secret Gateway to Medical School. You'll learn the ins-and-outs on over 35 of the top programs in the country.
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Post-Bacc Program
POST-BACC Program Information
UTA offers an unstructured, informal, non-degree seeking, on-campus Post-Bacc Program. Students with a completed Bachelor's degree that want to take undergraduate pre-medical, pre-dental, pre-pharmacy, pre-PA, etc. coursework at UTA.
There is no set curriculum or required classes for the program except for courses based on graduate school requirements and recommendations. This program is ideal for career changers, students that need to complete the majority of prerequisite courses, or already fairly competitive applicants that would like to take additional upper level science courses to show positive trend. Classes are not offered online. (Exception - Spring & Summer 2020 & some Fall 2020 courses due to COVID-19) Interested students should read the FAQs and resources provided below.
I already have a baccalaureate degree. Am I required to obtain another degree to be accepted into a professional school?
If you have graduated from an accredited US or Canadian School, prerequisites can be completed as a non-degree seeking student, sometimes also referred to as a transient/transfer student. You do have the option of obtaining a second degree. The best choice will depend on your unique situation. Most of our post bacc students are non-degree seeking and take 2-4 courses a semester.
How do admissions committees view post bacc students? Do they prefer Master's Degrees over Do-It-Yourself informal programs?
Admissions committees evaluate all applicants using the holistic approach regardless of program. This means many aspects of a candidate are considered before selection for an interview. Each student's path is different, therefore there is no one 'best' path. The main goal is to show the ability to handle the rigors of a health professional school while providing evidence for your motivation for the specific field through consistent action. There is no 'checkbox'. Students that treat gaining an acceptance like a checkbox are NOT considered competitive candidates.
Can prerequisite courses be taken at a Community College? Are they viewed differently than courses taken at the University level?
There are some lower level courses that can be taken at a community college. Most admissions committees understand cost is certainly an important factor for post bacc students. However, it is important to consider how lower level courses can effect future. Students that do well in both Community and University level courses are viewed the same as traditional students as long as they have shown the ability to handle the future rigorous course load of a graduate professional school. Students that complete a majority of the lower level science courses at a community college should plan to take 3-4 upper level sciences at the University level. Since maintaining a competitive post-bacc GPA with an upward trend and having a good foundation of course content is important, it may be more beneficial to save some (or all) science courses for a University. Ultimately, it is up to the student to decide what works best for them. It is a red flag when a student takes all the 'hard' prerequisite classes at a community college and does not take challenging upper level courses.
NOTE: If taking a prereqsuite course elsewhere, a copy of the unofficial transcript with the grade (C or better) will need to be sent before being able to enroll in the course at UTA.
As a post-bacc student, how do I complete the prereqs as fast as possible?
Time is certainly a factor that should be considered, especially for post bacc students, but building an overall competitive application is not a process that can be rushed. Each students timeline will be different and depend on previous classes taken, year the classes were taken, undergrad GPA, current clinical experiences, volunteering, and other experiences.Expect this process to take 1-2 years.Setting yourself up for success is the goal.Please review the information in the resources section below.
Should I pursue a second degree or just take courses as a non-degree seeking student?
This will depend on your timeline, current GPA, previous major, and goals. One of the factors to consider is finances as non-degree seeking students do not have financial aid available. Second Bacc students may be eligible for federal aid if registered for at least 1/2 time. Some second bacc students do not complete this degree. See finaicial aid question below.
GPA Calculators:
- CASPA Calculator - downloadable excel sheet for ALL pre-health students
What are the requirements for the program and how do I apply?
There are no specific requirements other than UTA's Admission requirements and having a completed Bachelor's Degree. Students with a foreign degree should check with the professional program they are interested in for admissions requirements prior to applying. Most require 90+ hours of courses to be completed in the US or Canada. For more information on applying, please see the applying as a post bacc student section below.
What classes are required for this program? Are they offered online or in the evening?
Download Post Bac Pre Med Program Low Gpa Requirements
UTA's program is an unstructured program where classes will be based on each students needs. Post-Bacc Students take the same classes as degree seeking students. Classes are not offered online and are usually during the day. However, several of our lower level science classes offer at least 1 evening section. Required and recommended courses along with information on becoming a competitive applicant can be found by visiting yourspecific pre-health interest page.(You can also use the menu tabs on the right of this page)
Suggested Timeline (assuming 6 hours of writing intensive English courses completed):
Download Post Bac Pre Med Program Low Gpa Requirement
Fall: BIOL 1441, CHEM 1441 = 8 hours
Spring: BIOL 1442, CHEM 1442, BIOL 3315 = 11 hours
Summer*: BIOL 2444 (1st-5 weeks), PHYS 1441 (2nd-5 weeks), CHEM 2321/2181 (11 weeks) = 12 hours
Fall: PHYS 1442, BIOL 3442, CHEM 2322/2182 = 12 hours (3 labs)
Spring**: BIOL 3446, CHEM 4311, MATH 1308 or BIOL 2300
*Pending summer class availability
**Potential application year
How are classes being offered in Spring (2021)?
Classes are currently planning to be held online, hybrid, or face-to-face. Most science courses will be hybrid and/or face-to-face.
Are there scholarships or financial aid available for this program?
Students seeking a second degree may be eligible for some forms of financial aid if taking at least a half-time course load. Non-degree seeking students are not eligible for financial aid. There are currently no specific scholarships available for this program. Non-degree seeking students may be eligible for some alternative loans: https://choice.fastproducts.org/FastChoice/home/365600 and/or payment plans.
What is the cost of the program?
Best Post Bacc Pre Med
The cost will depend on the number of classes you are taking and standard UTA tuition rates. A typical 3 hour credit course costs around $1200 (in-state). Most students take 6-12 hours a semester. Please visit our Tuition Estimator for more information.
Is there an advisor for the program?
The Health Professions Advisor, Sandy Hobart, is the main advisor for non-degree seeking students. She can assist with a suggested timeline and courses. Questions regarding taking classes as a post bacc student can be directed to sandy.hobart@uta.edu. Appointments can be made on the Advising Page. Students seeking to complete a second degree will need to choose a major and then meet with their major advisor after admission to remove holds and for degree requirements.
- UTA's PRE-MED Page
- PostBacCAS
- Application service for 61 Programs
Pre Med Post Bacc Programs
Students will need to apply and be accepted to UTA first as an undergraduate non-degree seeking student or as a student seeking a second degree. There are no specific requirements for the post-bacc program except for a completed degree and UTA's admission requirements. Students can start in the Fall, Spring, or Summer terms.
- If you have completed a degree and would like to take classes as a post-bacc non-degree seeking student or as seeking a second bacc, please visit ApplyTexas.org and apply to UTA with the Transfer/Readmit Application. (Do not select graduate application) Students can select College of Science if prompted to choose a college and then Biology or Chemistry as a major.
- Post Bacc Students can make an advising appointment on the Advising Page.
Texas residents may be able to waive credits and grades for courses taken 10 or more years prior to enrollment date. You must apply to UTA as an Academic Fresh Start student. Keep in mind this is an all or nothing option. Students cannot pick and choose which courses to exclude. Students interested in this should visit the Academic Fresh Start Page and UTA's Fresh Start Page. NOTE: At UTA, students with a completed Bachelor's Degree are not eligible for Fresh Start.
There are reputable Non-Us Schools that may be a great option for non-traditional and international students. Reputable schools are fully accredited, have clinicals in the United States, prepare their students for the USMLE, provide resources to assist students, and have a history of positive residency placement rates. As with any school, it is the students responsibility to do extensive research. International Schools that receive Federal Student Aid.
