Glitch Game Paper Trees

This imagining takes its cues from a pen and paper board game, Cyberpunk. Glitches are indeed rampant. As he spun endearing yarns about acorns growing into trees. Use your ability to change your shape and solve all the puzzles in this fun platform game! In the mouse shape you can climb trees and pass through small holes; as a rabbit you can jump high - but for ultimate display of power, become an elephant! Report game as broken.

  1. Glitch Game Paper Trees Pictures
  2. Glitch Game Paper Trees Identification
  3. Glitch Game Paper Trees Clipart

On fall Saturdays in Auburn, Alabama, tailgaters come prepared: coolers packed to the brim with beer, barbecue spreads to lay across folding tables, orange and blue flags to hang from tents and car tailgates—and rolls of toilet paper to celebrate after the game. Since nearly any living Auburn fan can remember, a Tiger win has meant rolling two Southern live oak trees that flank Toomer’s Corner, where Magnolia and College meet.

It’s a tradition that some date back to the days when news about away-game wins arrived via telegraph, and employees of Toomer’s Drug would throw the machine’s ticker tapes over power lines outside the store. Others point to 1972, when a brash student predicted Auburn would beat the “No. 2” out of their undefeated rivals, the University of Alabama. When the Tigers returned home from beating the Tide, they found the corner covered in two-ply. Since then, after every football win—and big wins for other sports, as well—the two oaks look like snowcapped peaks and the streets the aftermath of a blizzard.

photo: Courtesy of Auburn University

The aftermath of an Auburn win.

But this year, for the second in a row, officials are asking the Tiger faithful to give the beloved tradition a break. “We’ve asked fans not to roll those specific trees, but we’ll get back to the tradition soon,” says Mike Clardy, assistant vice president of communications.

In 2011, in one of the most infamous call-in radio confessions of all time, a vengeful University of Alabama fan announced that he’d poisoned the oaks on Toomer’s Corner with spike 80DF, an herbicide that blocks photosynthesis. At the end of the 2013 season, Auburn held a bittersweet “last roll” celebration before removing the dying trees and renovating the corner. New, mature oaks were planted in February 2015, but deemed too fragile to roll that season. When rolling resumed in 2016, another tragedy struck: someone lit fire to a strand of toilet paper, setting one of the trees ablaze, severely damaging both. Resilient as ever, the university planted two new trees last February, but they need time to settle in.

photo: Courtesy of Auburn University

Crowds gather to watch the replacement trees being planted on February 14, 2015.

“The Auburn Oaks are a symbol of strength,” Clardy says. “They’re sentinels on the corner where the university meets the town.” Come fire, flood, or angry fans, he’s sure as long as there are football games there will be trees on Toomer’s Corner—hopefully for Auburn fans, covered in toilet paper.

Read about Southern college football traditions:

>> Georgia’s hedges: How they endure and thrive

>> Florida State’s Sod Cemetery: “A grave responsibility”

>> Auburn’s Toomer’s Corner: Touchdowns, trees, two-ply

>> LSU’s Mike the Tiger: Always on the prowl

>> Tennessee’s Vol Navy: Sailgating on the river

Let’s explain decision tree with examples. There are so many solved decision tree examples (real-life problems with solutions) that can be given to help you understand how decision tree diagram works.
As graphical representations of complex or simple problems and questions, decision trees have an important role in business, in finance, in project management, and in any other areas.

On this page:

  • What is decision tree? Definition.
  • 5 solved simple examples of decision tree diagram
    (for business, financial, personal, and project management needs).
  • Steps to creating a decision tree.

Let’s define it.

A decision tree is a diagram representation of possible solutionsto a decision. It shows different outcomes from a set of decisions. The diagram is a widely used decision-making tool for analysis and planning.

The diagram starts with a box (or root), which branches off into several solutions. That’s way, it is called decision tree.

Decision trees are helpful for a variety of reasons. Not only they are easy-to-understand diagrams that support you ‘see’ your thoughts, but also because they provide a framework for estimating all possible alternatives.

In addition, decision trees help you manage the brainstorming process so you are able to consider the potential outcomes of a given choice.

Example 1:The Structure of Decision Tree

Let’s explain the decision tree structure with a simple example.

Each decision tree has 3 key parts:

  • a root node
  • leaf nodes, and
  • branches.

No matter what type is the decision tree, it starts with a specific decision. This decision is depicted with a box – the root node.

Root and leaf nodes hold questions or some criteria you have to answer. Commonly, nodes appear as a squares or circles. Squares depict decisions, while circles represent uncertain outcomes.

As you see in the example above, branches are lines that connect nodes, indicating the flow from question to answer.

Each node normally carries two or more nodes extending from it. If the leaf node results in the solution to the decision, the line is left empty.

How long should the decision trees be?

A decision tree should span as long as is needed to achieve a proper solution.
Theoretically, when you are depicting a decision tree you should involve every possible decision and outcome in the tree. This will help you with analysis, planning, and will allow you avoid bad surprises.

Now we are going to give more simple decision tree examples.


Example 2: Simple Personal Decision Tree Example

Let’s say you are wondering whether to quit your job or not. You have to consider some important points and questions. Here is an example of a decision tree in this case.

Download the following decision tree in PDF

Now, let’s deep further and see decision tree examples in business and finance.

Example 3:Project Management Decision Tree Example

Imagine you are an IT project manager and you need to decide whether to start a particular project or not. You need to take into account important possible outcomes and consequences.

The decision tree examples, in this case, might look like the diagram below.

Download the following decision tree diagram in PDF.

Don’t forget that in each decision tree, there is always a choice to do nothing!

Example 4:Financial Decision Tree Example

When it comes to the finance area, decision trees are a great tool to help you organize your thoughts and to consider different scenarios.

Let’s say you are wondering whether it’s worth to invest in new or old expensive machines. This is a classical financial situation. See the decision tree diagram example below.

Download it.

The above decision tree example representing the financial consequences of investing in old or new machines. It is quite obvious that buying new machines will bring us much more profit than buying old ones.

Need more decision tree diagram examples?

Example 5:Very Simple Desicion Tree Example

As we have the basis, let’ sum the steps for creating decision tree diagrams.

Steps for Creating Decision Trees:

1. Write the main decision.


Begin the decision tree by drawing a box (the root node) on 1 edge of your paper. Write the main decision on the box.

2. Draw the lines

Draw line leading out from the box for each possible solution or action. Make at least 2, but better no more than 4 lines. Keep the lines as far apart as you can to enlarge the tree later.

3. Illustrate the outcomes of the solution at the end of each line.

A tip: It is a good practice here to draw a circle if the outcome is uncertain and to draw a square if the outcome leads to another problem.

4. Continue adding boxes and lines.

Continue until there are no more problems, and all lines have either uncertain outcome or blank ending.

5. Finish the tree.

The boxes that represent uncertain outcomes remain as they are.

A tip: A very good practice is to assign a score or a percentage chance of an outcome happening. For example, if you know for a certain situation there is 50% chance to happen, place that 50 % on the appropriate branch.

When you finish your decision tree, you’re ready to start analyzing the decisions and problems you face.

How to Create a Decision Tree?

In our IT world, it is a piece of cake to create decision trees. You have a plenty of different options. For example, you can use paid or free graphing software or free mind mapping software solutions such as:

  • Canva
  • Smartdraw
  • Silverdecisions

The above tools are popular online chart creators that allow you to build almost all types of graphs and diagrams from scratch.

GlitchGlitch Game Paper Trees

Of course, you also might want to use Microsoft products such as:

  • Word
  • Excel
  • PowerPoint

And finally, you can use a piece of paper and a pen or a writing board.


Advantages and Disadvantages of Decision Trees:

Decision trees are powerful tools that can support decision making in different areas such as business, finance, risk management, project management, healthcare and etc. The trees are also widely used as root cause analysis tools and solutions.

As any other thing in this world, the decision tree has some pros and cons you should know.


  • It is very easy to understand and interpret.
  • The data for decision trees require minimal preparation.
  • They force you to find many possible outcomes of a decision.
  • Can be easily used with many other decision tools.
  • Helps you to make the best decisions and best guesses on the basis of the information you have.
  • Helps you to see the difference between controlled and uncontrolled events.
  • Helps you estimate the likely results of one decision against another.


  • Sometimes decision trees can become too complex.
  • The outcomes of decisions may be based mainly on your expectations. This can lead to unrealistic decision trees.
  • The diagrams can narrow your focus to critical decisions and objectives.

Glitch Game Paper Trees Pictures


The above decision tree examples aim to make you understand better the whole idea behind. As you see, the decision tree is a kind of probability tree that helps you to make a personal or business decision.

For a decision tree to be efficient, it should include all possible solutions and sequences.
Decision trees are highly effective diagram structures that illustrate alternatives and investigate the possible outcomes.

Glitch Game Paper Trees Identification

In addition, they show you a balanced picture of the risks and opportunities related to each possible decision.

Glitch Game Paper Trees Clipart

If you need more examples, our posts fishbone diagram examples and Venn diagram examples might be of help.